In which I'm blogging to convince myself I'm not starving.

Right now, I'm blogging from my boss's house. Their daughter is asleep in the bedroom, right next door, and I am posting this because she needs to sleep for a while longer before I can really order food or anything.

Tuesday night, we had tacos. I never find tacos to be that spectacular, although I always enjoy them. We had great guacamole, which was a team effort between the boyfriend and myself... meat, beans from a can, rice with a packaged spice mix (the shame....) and various veggies and cheese.

I guess tacos just don't really inspire me. They're yummy, but since the packaged seasonings you buy from Ortega are so good.... I really can't figure out why one wouldn't use them (besides the desire to not die from the amount of salt in the packet.... that, I get). And really....browning ground beef isn't inspiring, and everything else involved is kind of just chopping.... I don't know, it's not that much fun for me I guess. But, They are a fun thing to eat together, and they always disappear, so those at least are good things that I take with me.

Wednesday (actually, the whole past week, come to it) was gorgeous. New York at this time of year, when you get a week like this, really reminds you why you live here.... especially after a dark and dreary winter. I've been having troubles going home lately, since I live so far away from Manhattan.... when I leave work I wander for a while, and then by the time I get off the train, it's 7:00 and I'm going inside for the night, save for walking Bruno, our foster-dog. It's depressing, when there's still daylight and warmth at 7:00, and there's nowhere to go in our neighborhood, and I've wasted an hour of daylight underground getting home.

I digress.

Yesterday, I was feeling those same feelings again. Plus, there's no natural light in our living room or kitchen, so it just feels dark. So I was sitting in Madison Square Park, with Jesse, when I got so sad about the idea of going home, of wasting another beautiful evening inside a train and a dark apartment.

So, he suggested we get milkshakes from Shake Shack and maybe walk across the Williamsburg Bridge to get home. While the rest of the plan didn't necessarily work out, we did eventually get milkshakes and cheese fries from Shake Shack, and we sat in the park and enjoyed them and each other. Because this place is so awesome, it took us well over an hour just to get to order our food - an hour well spent talking, enjoying the sun, getting freckles, and listening to The Crooners jam out. It was wonderful, and it was so nice.
I felt a little guilty, which I know is silly, because Kristin was at home and I didn't know whether I was planning to be home or to cook or what.... but I came home eventually, once I felt better and the sun had gone down.

I made Salmon and Angel Hair.
I seasoned the salmon with salt and pepper, a small drizzle of oil, and lemon juice. I put lemon slices on top, and sprinkled dill on top of that. I broiled them, but since I've never broiled salmon filets before, I didn't know how long, and ended up having to flip them over (losing the lemon slices and most of the dill) to finish cooking. The angel hair, I tossed with a sauce of butter and olive oil, which was simmered with a few crushed garlic cloves that I removed before serving, and parsley.
I squeezed lemon over my plate before I dug in, but I didn't recommend it to others because I was unsure. It was nice.

Next time, I will remember to season both sides of the salmon. And to broil both sides. Next time, I will not let the butter brown. Next time, if Kristin asks if I want to cook or if she should just order a pizza.... I will let her order the pizza.

Tonight, I'm working late as a nanny, earning my keep or whatever.... so I'll probably order takeaway in a few minutes, which is lame. Oh well. Such is the life of someone leading a double life.

Next time,
In which Mac & Cheese is Entertaining!

1 comment:

  1. I have to stop reading now but it's 10:30 a.m. and I'm now very, very hungry.
