In which I handle some meat.

Making burgers can be pretty zen for me. I like to do it. Basically, it's not something I worry about screwing up, even when I'm making them for other people, and things like that are rare for me. Not that I worry about screwing up when I cook a lot, but, I am typically concerned about things not going as planned. It's very nice when I get to make burgers, and they go as planned. Very nice indeed.

These burgers were kind of disappointing, because they fell apart rather than holding together. I think I need to go back to basics. But in all honesty, they were pretty tasty. Plus, they had amazing cheese (porter cheddar) and delicious french fries on the side. It was a good din din.

I promise to write more tomorrow, when we make cassoulet. It should be delish. It's my Gourmet Magazine recipe of the week. :)

In which I make my own breadcrumbs.

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